Friday, May 28, 2010

Today is our last day in Hunan. This afternoon we board a plane and head to Guangzhou, our final destination in China. We are there until Friday evening (Friday morning for you). We are hopeful that getting around and eating will be a bit less challenging. According to our current guide, Grace, it should be. We get a new guide there. I hope she is as good as this one. Grace is awesome - very cute and fun. I included a picture of her on this blog.

I am packing and the girls are with Grandma in the pool. It has been closed the last 4 days, which was a real bummer. That was about all we could do here. So, Tierzah's first time swimming. She looked pretty cute in the swimsuit (thanks SEE team!) Grandma is taking pictures, so hopefully I can get some sent to Desi to upload to the blog.

I don't know what kind of computer access we'll have in the new hotel. I may have to resort to using Sheryl's phone. If so, it will cut back on pictures, but I'll do my best.

Enjoy the pictures. They are from Leishi park, which we visited yesterday. It is a beautiful park, but it was raining and foggy, so we didn't stay long. We'll, bye from Changsha, Hunan!

PS - I have attached several pics

The group is all the people we are traveling with.
The girl with Piper on the ride is Sommer, her new friend from California. She is traveling with us.
The rest should be self explanatory.

(By the way, you can click on any picture to see it bigger - Desi)

Leishi Park

Leishi Park

Leishi Park

Leishi Park

Leishi Park

Leishi Park

Leishi Park

1 comment:

  1. Going to the lake to day with the family, at least the family that is still here and available LOL. Wish you were here. I have an all day NSOD meeting Saturday when you get home so I am hoping to come over and see you all on Saturday night. Or if your too tired Sunday. Really looking forward to seeing my new little grand daughter!!! Enjoy the rest of your trip.
    Love and miss you all,
