Monday, March 15, 2010

The beginning of the end - finally!

In October, 2005 we made the decision to adopt a baby girl from China. They told us it would be 6-8 month once our paperwork was logged in China. We logged in on April 11, 2006 and prepared to bring home our daughter. Then we waited...

March 1, 2010 we received our first glimps of our daughter. It's been a long 6-8 months. Seams like 4 years? Oh wait, it is!

Her Chinese name is Yong Xiau Bo (last, first, middle). She was born August 9, 2009 in Hunan Province. We have given her a new name - Tierzah Sharon - after my mom. She would have loved her!

This is where we begin our journey. I'll post things here as there is more information and when we travel, I'll try to keep you posted here.